
July 21, 2010

Help Menu Search as Shortcut Button

Great shortcut tip via Daring Fireball for finding menu items on your Mac: use shift+command+/ to get the help menu, then just start typing the name of the menu item you want.
July 15, 2010

Sitting Will Kill You

So I'm sitting here — sitting! — reading kottke.org and he points to this:

Phys Ed: The Men Who Stare at Screens
"Men who spent more than 23 hours a week sitting had a 64 percent greater chance of dying from heart disease than those who sat for 11 hours a week or less. What was unexpected was that many of the men who sat long hours and developed heart problems also exercised. Quite a few of them said they did so regularly and led active lifestyles. The men worked out, then sat in cars and in front of televisions for hours, and their risk of heart disease soared, despite the exercise. Their workouts did not counteract the ill effects of sitting."

I guess Homer was right:

July 11, 2010

Congrats to Brian & Hilary!

I haven't posted here in quite a while, so I'm late to publicly wish my brother and new sister-in-law congratulations on their recent marriage. We all had a lot of fun, I was honored to be part of it, and the kids even took part (hey Jeremy, where's the box with the rings you're supposed to be carrying?).

Also, instead of a first dance, the new couple fittingly rocked out instead: