
December 31, 2010

2010 Soundtrack

My annual "soundtrack project" continues with 2010's version. I seem to have regressed a bit to my earlier alternative & rap days.
  1. Beck: “Orphans”
  2. New Order: “Fine Time”
  3. The Smiths: “Stop Me If You Think You've Heard This One Before”
  4. The Beatles: “What You're Doing”
  5. The Kinks: “Victoria”
  6. The Winstons: “Amen Brother”
  7. Beastie Boys: “Super Disco Breakin’”
  8. Mantronix: “Electronic Energy Of...”
  9. People Under The Stairs: “Plunken' Em”
  10. Mos Def: “Quiet Dog”
  11. Hieroglyphics: “Let It Roll”
  12. Bob James: “Take Me To The Mardi Gras”
  13. They Might Be Giants: “I’m Impressed”
  14. Vampire Weekend: “Cousins”
  15. Art Brut: “Alcoholics Unanimous”
  16. Wire: “Read & Burn”
  17. Bad Religion: “Modern Man”
  18. Minutemen: “Search”
  19. The Ramonetures: “She’s the One”
  20. Man Or Astro-man?: “Maximum Radiation Level”
  21. Rush: “Vital Signs”
  22. Neko Case: “I Wish I Was the Moon”
December 14, 2010

GOP: Super-Rich > 9/11 Responders

Apparently, the super-rich are highest on the Republican's priority list, even higher than the 9/11 first responders they claim to love so much. "Since when does the Republican party make 9/11 first responders stand over in the corner with the gays and Mexicans?"

Can it be more obvious that Republican's core principle = money? (And if it's not, they're sure going about things the wrong way.)
December 13, 2010

Human Parking Cone

SNL is hit or miss (OK, lots of misses) but the "human parking cone" was one of the funniest things I've heard in a while.

December 8, 2010

Ugly URLs, Hand Models, and the Costanzas

Roger Ebert has a pretty active Twitter account with often interesting links. However, I noticed that links to his personal Sun Times blog sometimes have ugly or bizarre URLs. This one was especially bad, with the page being not-quite-HTML-code for four nonbreaking spaces (emphasis mine, obviously):


I wasn't sure what point I was going to make with this, other than it's bad SEO practice to have poorly-named URLs ... not to mention it's almost impossible to tell anybody that link short of of copying and pasting. So let me switch gears to what's actually on that page:

It's an interview with a hand model — and she's pretty cocky about them (almost comically so) — whose hands have never seen the light of day for 15 years. She doesn't do anything with her hands — no cooking, cleaning, sports, gardening ... not even opening windows — and she wears gloves everywhere she goes. It kind of blew my mind; check it out at Ebert's ugly-URL page.

And of course, that interview only reminds me of George Costanza's similar modeling career.
December 7, 2010

Sen. Bernie Sanders: The rich are waging war on America

Finally, a politician that doesn't sound like a clueless idiot in the pockets of corporations. Not surprisingly, he's an Independent. For all our sakes, I really hope his colleagues listen to him.
Many of my Republican colleagues tell me, "Oh, I'm so concerned about our record-breaking deficit... But wait a minute, it's very important that we give over a 10 year period $700 billion in tax breaks to the top 2%." We're concerned about the debt, we're concerned about the deficit. But we are more concerned that millionaires, people who earn at least a million dollars a year or more, get on average $100,000 a year in tax breaks.

Whether you're Democrat, Republican, independent, or not interested in politics, watch this: